Retiring in Bali - August 2023 (updated 3 November 2023


Just a few things to take into consideration before you sell up and move to Bali to live out your golden years…Or Silver Hair years, as they have referred to the new Golden Years Retirement visa just recently released on the Molina Website (the same government site you can do the VOA on). 

Yes, you no longer need an agent to sponsor you for this visa if you choose the 5-year version on Molina, which can save you a lot of money, you can apply yourself and the cost is 13 million and can be done on the Molina website. 

 THE NEW VISA (5 year) – is called a e-33E (e-ITAS)

You may have heard of a KITAS – K stands for Kartu, they used to be cards (Kartu), you don’t get a card now on a 1-year KITAS, until you are on a KITAP (ITAP), which is a more permanent Visa. With this new 5-year KITAS, they may issue cards after you have proved your eligibility – stay tuned and we will update as cards are much easier than PDF documents.
Update:  You will have a physical card waiting for you at immigration when you go in to prove your funds within 90 days of entering

 ITAS (Izin Tinggal Terbatas) - Limited Stay Permit

 ITAP (Izin Tinggal Tetap) Permanent Stay Permit 


THE CURRENT (AND NEW) REQUIREMENTS as per latest Immigration Regulations NUMBER 22 OF 2023 Promulgated 24 August 2023 (note, this regulation has 60 days from promulgation to be fully in force – so the Visa number for Retirement Visa for 1 year is currently the C-319 (Lansia), and there may be some final changes due to any minor errors in the Ministerial Regulation document.Update - Molina website is now fully operational for the 5 year visa and no changes have been made since the regulation was published

Document Requirement for 5-year visa (with no agent) - cost 13 million – (note, there is also a re-entry permit which Molina is not mentioning as an extra cost - they are for 5 years 3.5 million), the re-entry permit is needed if you wish to come and go from Indonesia, it seems to be included in the 13 million, which is great.

  1. Valid Nationality Passport for at least 12 (twelve) months.
  2. Statement of commitment letter that the applicant will deposit funds in an account in his/her name worth at least US$50,000 (fifty thousand US dollars) in a state-owned bank. (note, with this letter promises that you will invest within 90 days of arrival (that’s depositing into a bank here). If the commitment is not fulfilled by that time, the ITAS will be cancelled, and you will be given 7 days to leave the country.
  3. Proof of income or benefits with a minimum value of US$3,000 (three thousand US Dollars) per month.

OR: WITH AN AGENT GUARANTOR AS PREVIOUSLY DONE (1 year visa + 1 year re-entry permit) agent – cost up to your agent (but they pay immigration and organise it all for you, and are responsible for your whole stay in Indonesia)
Update - still not avaulable on Molina for 1 year, but changed to the same Index Number as the 5 year E33E visa. 
You cannot come in on C-319 (Lansia),, you would need to tranfser from another visa, however it seems that will not be the case and the 1 year will be available under the new E33E Index through and agent/private person who will be finanically responsible for you (sponsor/gurantee)

  1. Valid Nationality Passport for at least 12 (twelve) months.
  2. Guaranteed by Licensed Travel Agent (visa agent) / Local Guarantor
  3. Proof of income or benefits with a minimum value of US$3,000 (three thousand US Dollars) per month.

No longer required:  A rental contract for a property, hiring local staff such as a house keeper.
Agent Guarantor:  Still waiting on confirmation, but it seems it may be an Indoneisan as a Guarantor - stay tuned  Local Person/Guarantor can sponosr you for the time you are in Indonesia (no need to be a licensed Travel Agent as previous visa

Not yet available online to apply for the 1 year - Stay tuned


This has not changed, but some people on existing retirement KITAS have no idea of these obligations

  1. Residency: You are considered a resident with this visa and after 5 years here you are considered a non-resident in many countries, so you can lose some rights in your home country, such as medical benefits, even voting rights.
  2. As a resident you are considered a resident of Indonesia for tax purposes and must report your income taxes once a year here (and pay tax on your global income. If your country does not have a tax treaty with Indonesia, then you will have to pay all taxes. If you have already paid taxes on your income, you can deduct that from taxes due here)
  3. You must get an SKTT (National ID card) – free to get and can be done online. You need this card for various things, such as getting a tax file number (NPWP), purchasing a motorbike or car in your name, etc
  4. You will be entitled to the local healthcare system here called BPGS (hopefully, this will continue, as retirees were not eligible for a few years back). However, to get the visa you may need to show proof of private insurance for at least the first 6 months, it may be one year.


What is an alternative?

Under the new regulations there will be a D212 Multiple Entry Visit Visa available for tourists, currently not available, only for business. Not yet available but stay tuned for this one.
Update 1 November 2023: Now available is a D1 (1 year) or D2 (2 year) - however, a letter of invitaion is requried to apply....we are still waiting for confirmation on whether that invistation letter is required from an agent for tourism...but for those with Indonesian spouse or parents the letter is - Statement letter from the spouse or parents explaining the family relationship with the applicant and the activities to be carried out in Indonesia, attached with a family card / similar document

  • With this visit visa you can come and go as many times as you like for the length of the visa.
  • This not an ITAS, it is a tourist visa
  • Maximum stay for each visit is 60 days (you can leave and come back on the same day)
  • You are not a resident for tax purposes, but you can rent a home here (you cannot sublet it out when you are not here)
  • You will remain a resident in your home country (as long as you keep a home address there, and a utility bill etc in your name)
  • You don’t need to visit immigration at all
  • You don’t need to line up for a VOA
  • One time payment for either a 1 year, 2 year or there may be 5 years

PROPOSED REQUIREMENTS in the new regulations for D212 Multiple entry Visit Visa for Tourism (with some C.Bali notes on these new regulations, as some may change by the time this is in force…watch this space)

  • Valid Nationality Passport and still valid minimum 6 (six) months (this may change, as a new passport may cancel the visa, so waiting on confirmation on this);
  • proof of having living expenses while in the Indonesian Territory (current amount is at least equivalent to US$2000 balance in a bank account for the past 3 months);
  • other documents to explain the purpose and purpose of the foreigner's arrival. Such as a statement, invitation, or correspondence from a government agency or private institution explaining the relationship with the Foreigner concerned; (may not be available on Molina, only through an agent, we of course will offer this one, as we don’t want people paying agents ridiculous prices for this)

Stay tuned, we will update once the final regulations are fully in force. Updates 22 September 2023

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