Bringing Prescription Medication into Bali

Bringing Prescription Medication into Bali

So, what are considered narcotics here?

  • Marijuana
  • Marijuana derivative, so CBC oil, cookies, candy (Gummie bears)etc.
  • Amphetamine
  • Cocaine
  • Codeine
  • Benzodiazepines, such as
    • Alprazolam (Zanax)
    • chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
    • lorzepam (Ativan)
  • Ecstasy (MDM) etc.
  • Erythroxylon Coca, including its plant, coca leaves and unripe coca and seeds
  • Etorphine
  • Heroin
  • Hydroxypethidine 
  • Ketobemidone (Ketorax)
  • Lisdexamphetamine (L-Lysine-d-amphetamine; (2S)-2,6-Diamino-N-, hexanamide; N--L-lysinamide)
  • Morphine
  • Mixture of Opium with other non-narcotic substances
  • Opium (Papaver Somniferous) Including plant, ripe opium such as Opium licing and lincingko
  • Opium in synthetic form
  • Pholcodine
  • Psychotropic Substances such as:
    • Amphetamine
    • Bromoamphetamine (DOV, DET),
    • Methamphetamine.
    • Diazepam,
    • Ethyl amphetamine
    • Synthetic or plant based Salts and derivatives
  • Secobarbital and amobarbital
  • Tramadol
  • Vyvanse

The Actual List and compositions of medications under the Narcotics law of Indonesia is far longer than the above list, but basically, if you have it prescribed for you then you need to declare it.  If you got it over the counter in another Asian country without prescription, better to bin it before you board to Indonesia.

So, how do you bring it in, I need it?

You want to make sure you have your written prescription (or a photocopy), together with your an original Doctors letter (in English or Indonesian) describing your condition, your exact dosage and you will only want to bring in what you need (or a few days extra, but no more than that). Everything must be in it original packaging, and not just the blister packs, you need them in their original boxes, you must carry them yourself (you can carry your child’s medication, but should not carry a spouses, unless you go through the Customs line together).

But what gets you a long term stay in Bali?  You know, what gets you locked up and throw away the key?   

Well, CBD oil for one, no Doctors Letter is going to help with that one. Although many of the above list are fine to bring in with a Doctors letter and the prescription in your name, clearly labelled in original packaging CBD is not one of them...

ADHD medicines without a prescription.  Now, some have the death penalty, but some are also available here. Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is available in Indonesia with a prescription. What you want to do is talk you Doctor about this, as METHYLPHENIDATE is classed as a Group 2 psychotropic, it does not have the death penalty, although there will be jail time if you are caught bringing it in without a prescription. However, others such AMPHETAMINE is a Group 1 narcotic, the death penalty is applicable, and it cannot be used for medical purposes. 

Can you bring in Vitamins?

Yes, but if any look like a prescription pill, then leave those in the original bottle, just don’t mix different vitamins into that bottle.  If you are randomly checked, any suspicious looking pill could delay you at the airport for it to be tested, or destroyed.  There is no need to declare vitamins or over the counter medication, just don’t bring any vitamins that contain any CBD. 

What about sleeping pills?

Natural alternatives are available here, check the ingredients of your sleeping pills for banned substances from the list above.  You may be asked at Customs, Do you have sleeping pills? You cannot bring them in without prescription, you can find some here with prescription, so you can visit a local clinic and then a pharmacy (Apotek)

Can I bring in Prescription Medicine for a friend that is currently in Bali who forgot theirs?

Like many places in the world, this is illegal in Indonesia.  Yes, there are times people have forgotten important medication and put a call out to friendly tourists to bring their forgotten prescription medicine to Bali.  You are taking a high risk, as the laws states: A Formal letter from the doctor explaining the content, dosage, and prescription of the medicines, as well as their intended use in Indonesia; and Name on the doctor’s letter/prescription shall match with the name of person who bring the medicines as stated in the boarding pass.

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